DAFT: Drama Workshop with Silver Noodle Soup
1 Kent Tce, Wellington
Ticket Information
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Would you like to try out drama in a no-stress, friendly and inclusive environment or check out how our Silver Noodle Soup Film and Theatre Company approaches inclusive performing arts practice? At the workshop, you will meet and spend time with disabled performing artists, play games, share ideas, devise and perform pieces with a disability-led film and theatre company! Silver Noodle Soup Company members alongside tutors Madeline McNamara and Haidee Clark will lead this fun session. SNS Company members are young performing artists, film and theatre makers with intellectual disabilities and/or who are neuro-diverse. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend this workshop!
This is a koha event. To register (plus a support person if you need one), please email daftfestivalteam@gmail.com. Limited to 14 participants.
The BATS Theatre venue and facilities are fully accessible
- ramp access to the building is on the left-hand side of the building, go to the doorway at the top of the ramp and we are there to welcome you
- there is an accessible toilet and bathroom
Workshop presenters and volunteers can offer Audio Descriptions within the workshop.
We apologise that we are unable to offer NZSL for the workshops this year.
If you have any access needs or questions please contact Bernadette at silvernoodlesoup@gmail.com
Image description: The text reads: “DRAMA WORKSHOP - koha workshop with Silver Noodle Soup, Friday 23rd September, 10am-1pm, BATS Theatre." The DAFT logo is a yellow and red theatre ticket that reads "Disabled Artists’ Festival of Theatre, Sept 18 – 25.” It also has the BATS logo embedded. The background image is of a brightly lit stage floor with red velvet curtains tied back at the sides. The background image is of a brightly lit stage floor with red velvet curtains tied back at the sides.
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