Capital FibreFest 2022
836 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region
Ticket Information
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Capital Fibre Fest is organised by volunteer members of the Upper Hutt Spinners and Weavers group and is held within our local community and for the benefit of all wool and yarn-based crafting communities. The event is a makers market and we care about making yarn, fibre, wool and craft related items as accessible and available to as wide a demographic of the community as possible. The event is free entry and has over 30 traders selling a range of fibre, wool, patterns, accessories and equipment from needles to weaving looms and spinning wheels. We also have a community social space to share your work, catch up with friends and enjoy a cuppa tea and biscuit from the social koha kitchen.
The event aims to have a balance between raw and dyed fibre, commercial yarns, equipment and notions, and indie dyers. We try to ensure a range of price tags are available to cater for all budgets within the community. We also try to ensure a balance across the types of fibre and yarn available (sheep/animal fibre types and ply) and get a mix of dying techniques (gradient, mottled, solids, bespoke etc) to provide you with as many options for your wonderful garments.
What you need to know:
- New entrance at rear of building
- Plenty of free parking, 2 mins walk to train and bus station, onsite cafe and coffee shop. Short walk to Upper Hutt town centre for more cafes and shops.
- Loads of stallholders selling a range of wool, fibre, yarns and related items for all your fibre crafting adventures - a "makers market" - see the 2022 traders list on the website.
- Social gathering - loads of room to bring your wheel and spin, or knitting /crochet project, or just sit and grab a coffee and chat
- Koha have a go sessions (more info)
- Stall holder demos throughout the day
- Lots of awesome raffles
- Woolly Mammoth stall (second hand - de-stashed yarn, patterns, fleece and equipment)
Bring cash, some traders will have Eftpos, but you will need cash for other traders, woolly mammoth, raffles and koha kitchen for tea/coffee.
In line with the Orange COVID-19 Setting please where a mask and sanitise/wash hands. QR codes will be available for your personal record keeping. No vaccine passes are required for entry.
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