Art Class with Grant Whibley - Forest Path
756 Lake Hayes-Arrow Junction Highway RD 1, Frankton, Queenstown, Arrowtown, Queenstown Lakes
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Do you know how to use the metaphor of the pathway into the forest? Come and stretch your imagination with this painting class!
Grant, our art instructor, will show you how to use compositional ideas that lead the eye into the work.
You will also learn to use light effects and focal details that intrigue and invite the viewer in for further inspection.
This workshop targets a range of learning abilities.
Time: 1-4pm, 27 Nov 2022
This session includes:
- A glass of Nockie’s Palette wine
- Gorgeous garden vistas
- Art Instruction
- Painting materials
No art experience is required.
All ages are welcome and only those above 18 YO will be served wine.
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