WAI.TAI In Concert For Matariki
836 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region
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Greetings. Full details of the concert by WAI.TAI being presented and organised by Mainly Acoustic Music Club with financial support of Creative Communities Upper Hutt.
Tickets on sale now at Expressions / Whirinaki Whare Taonga.
Message from Robyn Kamira -from WAI.TAI
Whanganui-a-Tara! Wellington!
You always look after us and we appreciate it. So, this year our 'Matariki concert' is in your patch and only two weeks away.
In our line up we have 3 Wellingtonians, 1 Ngai Tahu, 2 Te Rarawa and 1 Ngati Raukawa, 9 instruments, 1 at 130 years old (um, the instrument, not the band member), a band 'orator' with a penchant for stretching the truth, and a whole bunch of te reo infused originals and covers with some cool te reo and musical twists from Bob Marley, Hirini Melbourne, Fat Freddys, Maisey Rika, Dread Beat Blood, Herbs - all in our WAI.TAI line up. Come celebrate the new year with us.
Nau mai, haere mai!
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