The Blue Rose Quintet - Awarua Returns Album Launch
Cnr Parumoana and Norrie St, Porirua - Mana, Wellington Region
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The Blue Rose Quintet are finishing their four years run with the launch of their sophomore album 'Awarua Returns'. Recorded at Aotea College in July this year, the album sees the band flexing their muscles on some complex works such as Chick Corea's 'Spain' and Dave Brubeck's 'Take Five'. Bill Withers' 'Just The Two of Us' adds a new R&B flavour to their repertoire and the band will be performing these and other cuts from their two albums. Come down for Saturday lunchtime music at Pātaka ! Albums will be available for purchase on the day.
Location - Pātaka 'Performing Arts Studio'
The ticket is free, but the attendance is limited, so please book your ticket by emailing:
Concert starts at 12:00pm.
Doors open at 11:30 am.
Album will be for sale on the day - $20 cash only.
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