'Somewhere a cleaner' - Poetry and Music
Cnr Beach Rd and Ames St, Paekākāriki, Kapiti Coast
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Come and hear a diverse range of cleaners reading their poetry from Landing Press’s latest collection – 'Somewhere a cleaner'. With live music by Don Franks (former cleaner and poet). Coffee and cake (bring your own cup) - koha.
Cleaning is universal. It’s steeped in tradition and culture. It’s essential, it’s ordinary and it’s surprisingly poetic. 'Somewhere a cleaner' captures the spirit, the highs and the lows, of this occupation that often falls below the radar. The poems range across hospitals, offices, marae, clocks, schools, boat hulls, sneakers and more. The poets themselves, a mix of novice and established writers, are equally diverse.
'Somewhere a cleaner' was launched by MP Ibrahim Omer (a former cleaner) in Parliament's Great Hall in late November 2020.
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