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Pūkaha Junior Rangers July School Holiday Programme
85379 State Highway 2, Mount Bruce, Masterton, Wairarapa
Ticket Information
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The Junior Ranger School Holiday Programme is back at Pūkaha for the upcoming July school holidays!
It's running every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday over the holidays inside the ngahere (forest) at Pūkaha and is suitable for tamariki aged 5 - 14 years.
Come have some fun and explore the wonderful world of fungi and insects, see our iconic tuna (eels), learn about trapping and plenty more!
Spaces are limited so be sure to book early online.
Please note the earlier start and finish times for Junior Rangers from 10.30am - 2.30pm.
Price includes lunch to suit a variety of diets and parents or caregivers can receive one free coffee from the Kākā cafe when dropping tamariki off.
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