Porirua Mega Fun Carnival
Titahi Bay Rd, Titahi Bay, Porirua - Mana, Wellington Region
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The Mega Fun Carnival to back again in Porirua- now at Takapuwahia Reserve. It's not stop action all week with something for everyone.
Don't forget its free entry - just pay for rides/attractions you want to enjoy.
Opening Night Special - 6:30pm till late its Mates Rates - bring your date, mates, brothers & sisters. One person pays and a 2nd jumps on for free! (Must be on the same ride at the same time).
Saturday & Sunday 11am-12pm its Happy Hour- we will spin you round for a 2nd ride for FREE (must be same ride straight after)
Come check out the Dragon Wagon kids Roller Coaster, or take a spin on the Round Up, plus so much more.
Plus a great range of Carnival Games and Fairground food to delight.
Open daily (weather dependent). Keep an eye on our Facebook page for specials and competitions for free rides.
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