Matariki Whānau Day
7 Rust Ave, WhangāreiTicket Information
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Matariki Whakapiripiri Tangata - Matariki that brings people together
Matariki Whānau Day is a free event for the whole community to come together and celebrate Matariki.
Local musicians and Kapa Haka roopu will perform and there will be plenty of activities and delicious kai.
This is a zero-waste and plastic bag free event. Proudly brought to you by Whangarei District Council.
Accessibility information: Accessible viewing area, accessible parking, wheelchair access, accessible toilets.
Ko te Rā Matariki Whānau he wā utukore mō te hapori katoa hei huihui , hei whakanui a Matariki.
Ka whakatangi ētahi ringapuoro Māori, me tētahi roopu kapa haka i te atamira.
He maha te whakangahau me ngā mahinga µo ngā tamariki. Ka teae e koutou te hoko kai reka Māori.
I mauria whakahī ki a koutou i te Kaunihera-ā-rohe o Whangārei.
He Pārongo Hauātanga: He wāhi tirohanga hauātanga, he tūnga waka hauātanga, he tūru wīra hauātanga, he whare paku hauātanga.
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