Mantra Music Festival
1st Floor, 175 Vivian Street, Wellington
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You’re invited to Mantra Music Festival!
This is going to be a Monday night with loads of music, dancing and delicious vegan eats! What's more, this is a night out that will help you perform better at work the next day (not worse)! How about that?!
Mantra Music Festival is all about spreading the good vibrations with soulful kirtan (music meditation), yoga with live music, a wisdom talk followed by more mantra music and an all-vegan feast.
Here’s a breakdown of the night:
- 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Kirtan (mantra music)
- In the lounge room, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm - optional Yoga with live music (pre-bookings required stay posted for more details)
- 6:30 pm - 7:10 pm - Wisdom Talk
- 7:10 pm -7:25 pm - more Kirtan music
- 7:30 pm -8:30 pm- Indian themed feast!
Until 10 pm- Kirtan music...
Come and check it out for yourself!
Cost: $15 - includes festival (+ optional 5:30pm yoga with live music) and dinner.
Limited space in yoga we will have a separate booking for yoga. Or $10 for festival entry not including yoga.
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