Kia Ora, Tāmaki
Queen St, CBD, Auckland
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Head down to the Festival Garden in Aotea Square for our closing night party – a late summer gathering full of kai, music, and fun for whānau and friends.
Whew! Three weeks have flown by in a flash and we’re ready to let our hair down and boogie! Shake your tail feathers to the sounds of Betty-Anne Monga and Friends as we wind up the Festival and say thank you to everyone with a rip-roaring celebration in the Festival Garden. Get your sweet moves polished up and your vocal chords primed and ready to sing along to some classic R&B tunes that liven up any garage party.
Haere ki te Māra Ahurei i te papa o Aotea ki te pō whakakapi i tā tātou kaupapa. He huinga tēnei i te hiku o te raumati e rangona nuitia ai te kai, te pūoru, ā, me te wairua ngahau e ngā whānau me ngā hoa.
Haramai! Kua tere pau ngā wiki e toru, kua tae te wā e kani ai tātou i runga i te wairua ngahau! Kia korikori tō tou ki ngā reo waitī o Betty-Anne Monga me ōna hoa, i a tātou ka whakakapi i tā tātou hui Ahurei ki tētahi pāti nui i te Māra Ahurei, hei mea whakamiha hoki i te iti me te rahi i whai wāhi mai ki tā tātou kaupapa. Kia rite mai koutou ki te kani me te waiata tahi ki ētahi o ngā tino waiata R&B e ngahau pai ai ngā pāti wharau huri noa.
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