Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Willow Park Drive, Masterton, Wairarapa
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Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics by Tim Rice
TM© 1991 The Really Useful Group Limited
By arrangement with Origin™ Theatrical
On behalf of The Really Useful Group Limited
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor™ Dreamcoat (often colloquially known as Joseph) is a musical comedy based on the "coat of many colours" story of Joseph from the Bible's Book of Genesis. The show begins with the Narrator and children’s chorus introducing the audience to Joseph, his father Jacob, and Jacob’s other eleven sons. Jacob reveals that Joseph is his favourite child, and presents him with a coat of many colours, while the other brothers look on in envy. The gift divides the brothers and pushes them to sell him into slavery where he endures a series of challenging adventures…prison, the Pharaoh of Egypt, famine, dreams and much, much more…
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