Improvise! New Ways to Play
86 Kilmore Street, Christchurch
Ticket Information
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A Classical Creativity Workshop with Cathy Irons and Lorenz Weston-Salzer
Would you like to:
Gain confidence on your instrument
Find new ways to practice
Tap into your uniqueness
Explore a range of musical genres
Increase your listening and improvising skills
Become a more versatile musician
Express more emotion in your playing
Acquire fresh ideas for teaching
...and have fun with others?!
Do you have a child who
wants to make practice more fun?
likes playing games on their instrument?
enjoys learning alongside others?
needs fresh motivation?
is full of imagination?
Join our interactive improvisation workshops presented by violinists, Cathy Irons (CSO) and Lorenz Weston-Salzer (Yurt Party)!
Who can attend:
Open to all musicians who play orchestral instruments (except drums/percussion)
All improvisation and playing abilities are welcome
What's Included:
6 hours of group sessions over 3 days (2 hours per day)
How to Register:
Purchase your tickets here and complete the form:
Support parents are welcome to attend free of charge and do not require a ticket
There will be two streams:
Stream 1: Aimed at Grade 2/Suzuki book 2 playing ability and up. No sight reading skills necessary.
We will be playing improvisation games and activities based on Creative Ability Development. The games will allow each participant to explore their own creative voice by providing simple guidelines with emphasis on rhythm, harmony, melody and communication. Using these four concepts we will create unique and spontaneous music together!
Stream 2: Aimed at teenagers and adults with basic sight reading ability.
We'll be including interactive group activities to improve your aural and rhythmic skills; we'll explain chords and charts, cover exercises for self-expression and create a foundation to allow you to improvise comfortably and creatively. Most of all - have fun playing music together in new ways! Stream 2 will also include an open question time, where we will be available to discuss topics such as how to practice, build your technique, succeed at performance challenges etc.
Things to Bring:
Stream 1: Just bring your instrument!
Stream 2: Instrument, music stand, pencil, eraser, manuscript paper
And of course, a sense of adventure!
The Tutors:
Cathy Irons is a first violinist in the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and also plays in her cross-over Classical Jazz Quartet, which annually tours South Island. Cathy is passionate about encouraging creativity in others and through the CSO Community Engagement Programme and Gisborne International Music Competition has worked in primary and high schools, Corrections and with high-risk youth. Cathy is currently a mentor for American jazz violinist, Christian Howes' online Creative Strings Academy.
Lorenz Weston-Salzer is a Christchurch based trained Suzuki violin teacher and Creative Ability Development tutor. He performs with Yurt Party, a Balkan dance band which has recently toured South Island with great success.
A Classical Creatives Workshop
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