HBAF 2021 - Mana/va, Tusiata Avia & Karlo Mila w/ Nafanua...
101 Hastings Street South, Hastings, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
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Readers + Writers - Presented by Hawke's Bay Readers and Writers Trust in association with Hawke's Bay Arts Festival
Mana/va - Tusiata Avia and Karlo Mila with Nafanua Kersel
“Va is the space between… not empty space, not space that separates but space that relates, that holds separate entities and things together in the Unity-that-is-All, the space that is context, giving meaning to things. [In Samoan] manava = mana/va = stomach (mana = power, va = space) and manava = breathe. - Albert Wendt
In Mana/va, Nafanua Kersel will be in talanoa (conversation/discussion) with eminent poets Tusiata Avia and Dr Karlo Mila. With a focus on the impetuses and voices that inform and arise from their processes and remarkable new poetry; the poets will hold and tend to a va through which they may explore, share, and most probably laugh.
Venue: Toitoi Festival Hub, Hastings
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