Cnr Parumoana and Norrie St, Porirua - Mana, Wellington Region
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Losaline Tupou is currently a second-year student at Whitireia Performing Arts. She has completed her second year in the New Zealand Diploma in Performing Arts - Māori and Pacific Dance and is moving into her Bachelors of Creativity in 2022.
She was given the opportunity to develop this show under the umbrella of Measina Festival LAB 2021. From this she has developed more content for the show and is excited to be alongside Ngā Uri o Whiti Te Rā Mai Le Moana Trust and co-hosted by Pātaka Museum & Gallery to promote her work to the wider community.
Fananga is a Tongan contemporary show with the purpose to educate viewers on why we do what we do in the Tonga culture by revisiting stories of our pre-colonial Gods and how they influence our way of living. Fusing traditional Tongan music and dances with elements of contemporary and Pasifika theatre, Fananga is our people's story.
***FREE ENTRY***, tickets from Eventfinda, 80 attendees maximum
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