Capital FibreFest 2021
836 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region
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Capital FibreFest is back for 2021, organised by volunteer members of the Upper Hutt Spinners and Weavers group it is held within our local community for the benefit of all of the wool and yarn based crafting community. The free event is a makers market and providing you access to a range of crafting material from yarn, fibre, wool and craft related items. For 2021 there will be koha have a go sessions for knitting, spinning, felting and crochet and a free talk on the History of Saori weaving. See the website for times.
There are over 40 traders to access for the 2021 event, selling a range of raw fleece and dyed fibre, commercial yarns, equipment and notions, and indie dyed yarns, for a range of budgets. There is also a range across the types of fibre and yarn available (sheep/animal fibre types and ply) and get a mix of dying techniques (gradient, mottled, solids, bespoke etc) to provide you with as many options as possible for your wonderful garments.
We have very clear COVID-19 procedures, follow the event sector vouluntary code, proactively follow Public Health guidance and encourage attendees to do the same. See our website for more information on the event details.
Please use the new entrance for the events hall at the rear of the building next to the entrance to H2O Xtream.
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