Ageing with Attitude
Judds Road, Masterton, WairarapaTicket Information
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Age Concern is having our annual expo on Saturday, March 20, 2021 at the Solway Showgrounds. It will be a day of interesting and informative speakers, alongside a hall full of information for older people, their families, and those who are thinking about their future in hopes of ageing well!
Learn about ageing safely, knowing your rights, and keeping your health and independence! Hear from a range of speakers about issues that we all need to be thinking about: avoiding scams, talking to your family about what is important to you! Knowing what happens if you die without a will (it’s pretty awful for your family).
There will be yummy food and a great line-up of entertainment, and we are delighted that the Minister for Seniors will join us to help open the event. We’re putting on a free shuttle from South Wairarapa – so there really is no excuse: come along and start planning to Age with Attitude!
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