Winding Up
92 -100 Devon St West, New Plymouth, Taranaki
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Barry and Gen may have retired, but these spirited seniors aren’t slowing down.
There’s overseas travel to plan, family feuds to settle, the inevitable health problems, and a friend to bury. As Barry and Gen put the fun into funerals and discover new complications in conjugal relations, Winding Up provides a hilarious testament to the lighter side of the golden years.
With over 40 plays under his belt, from Glide Time and Middle-Age Spread to Four Flat Whites in Italy, freshly-knighted theatre legend Sir Roger Hall is thoroughly entitled to rest on his laurels.
Thankfully, he didn’t get the memo: Winding Up showcases Hall in classic form, once again demonstrating his inimitable wit and knowing insight, while comic legends Alison Quigan and Mark Hadlow command the stage.
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