NZIPP Wellington - Creative Landscape Retreat: CANCELLED
1498 State Highway 2, Featherston, Wairarapa
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The Earth is art, the photographer is only a witness.
Landscape photography has its rules photographically and definitely has its place within the photography world. We tend to photograph what we see in front of us without really considering the idea of what else can we see? Or what else can we do to the image that would make it more ethereal, dramatic or abstract even.
Are you keen to see beyond and push your landscape portfolio, creatively?
NZIPP Wellington is excited to announce an upcoming Creative landscape retreat, which will be held in the Wairarapa on the 3rd of April (4pm) to 4th of April (10am).
Esther Bunning & Rebecca Kempton will be joining us to give us a few tips and insight into the world of creative landscape photography.
Both photographers are a true testament to ‘looking outside the box’ and seeing things that most of us would usually not see. This workshop will definitely be one not to miss!
There are only 18 spots available and it will be an overnight stay.
Bring your breakfast, food and drink if you wish. We can also order takeaway to our accommodation.
Carpooling to travel to Wairarapa and share cost of travel between participants.
Location: Tauherenikau Racecourse, 1498 SH 2 Featherston 5877
Price includes accommodation!
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