More time? ... Let's connect
Level 4, 309 Broadway, Newmarket, Auckland
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Need some people around you right now? Many of us have more time on our hands right now, so let's use it to make new friends - personally or professionally.
Some of us have lost contracts or jobs. Others had pay cuts and are doing 3-4 days a week at the moment ... Whatever the reason, if you want to connect with others and surround yourself with people, join us for this informal networking sessions. Isolation is very hard and this group will give you a reason to leave the house, slap on a smile and come and meet some cool new people.
You can come and go as you please in this time. (Download the Westfield Plus app for your free two hour parking). Best car park for this venue: Green Car Park, Level 4, entry via Mortimer Pass express ramp.
Please register interest so we can book a big enough space. Share the word and bring others along. As we grow we will split into other areas to make it easier for everybody, but for now, I am picking a central location that is easy to get to.
**Coffee/drinks, etc bought on the day is for your own bill.
Come along, meet new people and be inspired by other's journey in this time.
See you there
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