Mauri Ora - The Metrics of Flourishing
770 Great South Rd, Manukau City, Auckland
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Compass Seminars is delighted to bring you the opportunity to spend a day with Sir Mason Durie who will discuss a range of topics relating to principles for working with Māori and Māori development.
Sir Mason speaks with a freshness and clarity of understanding, if you have been fortunate enough to hear him speak before you will know that this is an opportunity not to be missed.
Regardless of whether your professional focus is on prevention, promotion, treatment, education, rehabilitation or development, well-being is ultimately dependent upon the dynamic interaction of people with each other and with the wider cultural, social, economic, political and physical environments in which people live.
Sir Mason will unwrap how Māori wellbeing is the product of these combined forces acting on the past and present experiences so that future prospects can be enhanced.
Some of the key areas that will be discussed include:
- Mauri Ora, Mauri Noho – flourishing and languishing
- Te Pae Mahutonga - Navigating towards health and wellbeing
- Oranga whanau – family foundations for health and wellbeing
- He Huarahi Oranga – best outcomes for therapeutic encounters
- Kawa Oranga – addressing contemporary environments
- He Ara Oranga – pathways to mental health and wellness
- Whakawatea te Ara – paradigm shifts for health and wellbeing
- The application of Māori perspectives to therapeutic interventions
Sir Mason will be speaking about issues that are relevant to all professionals working in health, welfare, education and community settings.
Sir Mason Durie is from Rangitane, Ngāti Kauwhata and Ngāti Raukawa. He is a medical practitioner and specialist psychiatrist and has held the positions of Professor of Māori Studies and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Massey University. He has particular interests in health, education, indigenous advancement, mental health care and Māori development.
He has served on a number of Boards and Trusts, including the Families Commission, Secondary Futures, Te Papa Tongarewa, the Foundation for Research Science and Technology, the National Health Committee, the Mental Health Foundation, the Alcohol & Liquor Advisory Council, the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Māori Health, the Whānau Ora Governance Group and the Mental Health Foundation. He was knighted in 2010 for his contributions to Public Health and especially to Māori Health.
We would recommend you register early as Sir Mason’s previous seminars have been fully subscribed.
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