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Matariki at Pūkaha


  • Mon 13 Jul 2020–Fri 31 Jul 2020, 9:00am–4:30pm


All Ages


Celebrate Matariki at Pūkaha.

At this time of year, the cluster of nine stars known as Matariki (or Pleiades) rises in the winter sky. For many, it signals renewal and the start of a new year. Matariki literally means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). It’s also a time to remember the past. This year, as we recognise Matariki it seems especially fitting to pause, reflect and consider our hopes for the future.

Hoki whakamuri, kia anga whakamua - look to the past to forge the future.

Join us at Pūkaha for our Matariki kaupapa – traditional kai, weaving and night tours. Haere mai!

A range of family focused activities will be on offer - many are free when you visit Pūkaha.

Everyday: learn about the meaning of the nine stars of Matariki from our Visitor Centre display

- Take a woven star (whetu) and pin it to our Matariki dark sky
- Write a message of hope for the future next to the star that you most identify with
- Enjoy traditional māori kai from our Kākā Cafe - (boilup pot pie, seafood chowder with rewana bread, steam pudding with custard, kawakawa fire tea + frybread + jam)

18 and 25 July

By day 10am -2pm
- See traditional Maori weaving from a kai raranga

By night
- Sign up for a night-time Matariki tour on either the 18th or 25th of July.
- Each tour goes for 2hrs , 5.30pm-7.30pm (1.5hrs walking tour + 0.5hr kai)

Places limited to 20 people per tour. Available on a first come, first served basis. $30 per person (adult or child).
- Forest walk to see key attractions such as glow-worms and Manukura
- Learn about Māori forest mythology and the deeper meaning of Matariki
- Conclude with Māori frybread and jam with hot chocolate or kawakawa tea

Bring a torch, sturdy walking shoes and warm clothing

- To book, call Pūkaha (06) 375 8004 or email:; payment secures your booking.

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