Japanese Film Night - Godzilla vs. Mothra: CANCELLED
Level 18, 100 Willis Street, Wellington
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Come along to our free Japanese Film night!
This month's film is "Godzilla vs. Mothra"!
A meteor strikes the ocean, awakening Godzilla and creating a storm that uncovers a giant egg on Infant Island. In Thailand, a Japanese adventurer named Takuya is arrested for raiding an ancient temple. His ex-wife Masako visits him in jail, bringing Andoh, a representative of the Marutomo Corporation. The company offers to get Takuya out of jail if he agrees to lead an expedition to Infant Island.
When Masako, Takuya, and Andoh arrive on Infant Island, they discover the egg and two tiny twin women called the Cosmos. The Cosmos explain that they come from an ancient civilization that created two monsters, Mothra and Battra. Mothra defeated Battra eons ago, but not before the creature destroyed their civilization.
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
Released: 1992
Director: Takao Okawara
Rating: M
Genre: Sci-fi, Action
Runtime: 88 Minutes
Free admission is based on a first-come, first-served basis, with a full theatre capacity of 60 people.
A short Japan video topics DVD will be shown from 5:15pm before the start of the feature film at 5:30pm.
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