Heritage Talk - The Old Puhipuhi Mercury Mine: CANCELLED
5 Rust Avenue, Whangārei
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Though the Puhipuhi Mercury Mine closed down over seventy years ago, its toxic legacy remains with us. It is still contaminating our waterways and our food. But the mine also represents an asset, a unique example of industrial archaeology, that could aid the environmental restoration and economic development of the Puhipuhi plateau.
This talk will outline the history of the mine and define the threat to a large region of Northland, from Puhipuhi to the Kaipara, posed by the waste leaking from the mine. Current efforts to remediate the site will be discussed and lessons for any further projects involving large-scale disruption of the local environment will be drawn out. Finally, the potential of the mine site as a focal point for restoring the historic Puhipuhi kauri forest will be considered.
About the presenters:
Dale van Engelen and Mick Kelly are members of the Puhipuhi Mining Action Group, a community project dedicated to protecting and restoring the natural wealth of the area. Dale van Engelen (Ngāti Hau, Ngāpuhi) is the chairperson of the Te Tūhua Trust, which upholds values that respect and look after our Taiao (environment) for future generations.
Mick Kelly is a climate scientist, committed to environmental protection and public access to scientific information. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications and has contributed to a number of TV and radio presentations on the climate issue.
No prior booking required. Seating is on a first come, first served basis.
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