Dear Boobs on Stage
17 The Octagon, Dunedin, Otago
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Dunedin’s Suitcase Theatre in association with The Dear Boobs Project present a never-before staged, landmark performance of Dear Boobs, a collection of intimate, inspirational, courageous [and often hilarious] letters written by women affected by breast cancer to their breasts.
“After agonising over why I was so sad about losing my floppy, uneven, cancer-filled breast, I wrote a letter: ‘Dear Boobs…’. Writing that letter helped. Reading it back helped too.” Emily Searle, The Dear Boobs Project.
Dear Boobs was published in late 2018 and to date more than 1,200 copies of the book have been sent around the world, reaching and helping to support those affected by sharing honest and inspiring conversations. Suitcase Theatre saw the opportunity to take this inspirational collection to the stage, giving the Dunedin community a unique theatrical interpretation, which would not have otherwise been available.
Suitcase Theatre is proud to present a talented all-female cast of local performers, with original live music performed by The Dragonfly Rustlers to complement the stories. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to The Dear Boobs Project to assist them in sharing more of Dear Boobs with the world
Performances at the Regent Theatre’s Clarkson Studio from Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th September, a total of 5 shows. We are pleased to announce that the Saturday Matinee will be ‘deaf-friendy’ with a NZSL interpreter in attendance.
Learn more about The Dear Boobs Project on the website.
Further information on ‘Dear Boobs on Stage’ can be found on the Facebook event page or through Suitcase Theatre’s Facebook page.
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