Child Connection - Massage with Eva Scherer
90 Bentley Ave, Glenfield, Auckland
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Does Touch really have such a huge power?
The Children Massaging Children program (CMC) is part of the 2020 Kaipātiki Eco Festival and will be delivered at our regular Wriggle & Rhyme sessions by award winning director Eva Scherer. (Mayoral Award for Excellence, Silver Cross of Merit)
There are 2 morning sessions happening at Glenfield Library on the 24th from 9:30 am – 10:00 and then another from 11:00 am – 11:30.
There are 3 massage techniques, Back, Hand and Head. For each technique, there is a song that provides the children with simple instructions, so they listen and follow them.
Children will massage each other in pairs (classroom version) or massage their parent and vice versa.
For more information please have a look at the website.
Parents and caregivers with children welcome.
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