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The Effective Speaker Presentation Skills Course

Ticket Information

  • One-day: $695.00 each
  • Two-days: $1,495.00 each
  • Two-days + masterclass coaching: $1,995.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Mon 25 Mar 2019, 9:00am–5:00pm
  • Tue 26 Mar 2019, 9:00am–5:00pm



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Tony Burns

This program uses advanced training methodologies including video-based one-on-one masterclass-style coaching to transform your confidence and presence.

It focuses on you and the message you want to convey - not slideshows, flipcharts and whiteboards!

If you're an experienced presenter wanting to go to the next level, this is the course for you.

If you're new to presenting but find yourself "having" to do it, check out what we do - you may benefit more from attending this course than the generic, "beginner" style courses.

Follow-up includes access to our Nail that Presentation online course and any follow-up assistance you need by phone and email.

"Whilst I came in as a fairly experience speaker, I learnt so much that I will be able to easily apply to future presentations." - David Taylor, CX Product Lead, Air New Zealand, March 2018 course

"Tony was an enthusiastic and emphatic facilitator. I really got great value out of the coaching session and felt supported the entire time. I am 'almost' looking forward to giving my next presentation!" - Inexperienced and nervous participant, March 2018 course

On the first day - the Preparation day - we'll look at:
- Content Design - how to take all your knowledge on a topic and to prioritise and organise it into digestable presentation content
- Effective use of PowerPoint - how to design and deliver slides that stimulate - rather than sedate - your audience
- Managing Nervousness - discover your specific nervousness triggers and what to do about them

On day-2 - the Delivery day - we explore:
- Presentation Delivery - reducing the things you do that sabotage your message and increasing the things that enhance it
- Audience Management - how to calmly deal with the challenges that speaking to a live audience can present.

Organisations that have attended include: Air New Zealand,Toll Group, TrustPower, Red Bull, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, Auckland University, Fulton Hogan, NZ Transport Authority.

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