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The European Union Centres Network (EUCN), in association with the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) and the National Centre for Research on Europe (NCRE) at the University of Canterbury cordially invite you to the EUCN-NZIIA Europa Lecture 2019: The Christchurch Call – Bringing the Conversation Home.

Following the devastating mosque attacks in Christchurch on March 15, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, and French President Emmanuel Macron, met alongside other world and tech leaders to adopt the ‘Christchurch Call’. The Christchurch Call aims to combat online terrorism and violent extremism.

In light of the Christchurch Call, this free public event brings together three prominent supporters:

EU Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King. Commissioner King, a guest of the New Zealand government, will speak on how Europe responds to online security threats. The European Commission was a major supporter of the Call, alongside eight EU Member States.

Honourable Gerry Brownlee MP. Former New Zealand Foreign Minister and Current Member of Parliament for the Christchurch constituency of Ilam, Hon Brownlee will discuss what the Christchurch Call means to Christchurch.

Golriz Ghahraman, Iranian-Kiwi refugee and current Green Minister for Parliament. Ms Ghahraman has been subjected to online hate crimes and will talk about her experience and how best to respond to terrorism.

This is an inclusive, public and multicultural event. Please join us to debate this important topic. Lecture begins at 05:00pm followed by a reception. For further information and to register, please visit Eventbrite by 24 June 2019. Registrations are essential and tickets will be checked for entry.

For queries, please contact Rebecca Morgan at

The event will be at Te Moana nui a Kiwa Rehua.

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