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Tales of the Spring Equinox

Ticket Information

  • Adult: $22.50 each ($20.00 + $2.50 fees)
  • Seniors: $16.00 each ($15.00 + $1.00 fees)
  • Primary or secondary student: $5.00 each
  • Eventfinda tickets no longer on sale


  • Mon 23 Sep 2019, 7:00pm–9:00pm


All Ages

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In the ancient world, the Spring Equinox was a time to was the time of the return of lie on Earth following the harsh northern hemisphere winter, the restoration of food supplies. For much of history, it marked the beginning of the year and, to this day, it plays a major role in world religions. In this presentation, we explore the stories from antiquity of how our ancestors explained the nature of the universe which formed a foundation to world religions.

The programme includes a presentation by Richard Hall, viewing the sunset over the spring equinox heel stone and a shared meal. (Bring something to share).

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