SWIM: With Annette Lees
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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Join author Annette Lees for this HeritageTalk, and hear her talk about her new book SWIM: A year of outdoor swimming in New Zealand.
During a year of swimming every day, Annette Lees discovered that New Zealanders have a happy passion for outdoor swimming.
In her book Swim, Annette has collected our stories of taking a dip - of urban swims, famous swims, forbidden swims, lost swims, the endurance swimmers of the Depression, and the swimming ANZACs. Annette will present her discoveries from across New Zealand, with illustrations.
As well as being fond of wild swimming, Annette Lees is a strategist in her own business, Alternative Endings, with a special focus on environmental issues including water quality. She has a previous career in Pacific tropical forest conservation.
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