Summer Wildlife Tours
85379 State Highway 2, Mount Bruce, Masterton, Wairarapa
Ticket Information
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Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre is just 20-minutes north of Masterton but a world away. This slice of ancient forest is a working breeding facility where visitors can witness conservation in action as we do our bit to save New Zealand's rarest birds!
Pūkaha is home to kōkako and kākāriki as well as the white kiwi, Manukura. Each day visitors can join educational talks with a tuatara feed (11:00am), kiwi talk (12 noon), long-fin eel feed (1:30 pm) and kākā feed (3:00 pm).
The free-flight aviary also provides a chance to see whio (blue duck) up close while walkers can explore easy-to-walk trails that weave through native forest. Inside the Visitor Centre, the interactive display highlights conservation issues, pest control strategies and native flora and fauna - step inside the rātā tree to hunt for creepy crawlies by flashlight!
At the end of your visit, sit on the deck overlooking the takahē with a freshly brewed coffee - just watch out for the kākā! These playful parrots are regular visitors to our cafe and love to pose for photographs.
Locals can claim the Hapori rate by showing proof of address.
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