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Summer Solstice may be the upcoming event you’re looking for
Summer Solstice

Ticket Information

  • Adult: $22.50 each ($20.00 + $2.50 fees)
  • Seniors: $16.00 each ($15.00 + $1.00 fees)
  • Primary or secondary student: $5.00 each
  • Eventfinda tickets no longer on sale


  • Sun 22 Dec 2019, 7:00pm–9:00pm


All Ages

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Sundown is the time of Solstice -mid-summer in the southern hemisphere, mid-winter in the north. But 2,000 years ago this solstice occurred on December 25th. At Stonehenge Aotearoa, we have put together a special presentation on legends associated with the solstice: what was the 'star of Bethlehem?, who were the 'Three Kings' and just who were those 'Shepherds watching their flocks by night?" Who was 'Father Christmas' and why did Rudolf have a red nose? In this presentation, we look at the astronomical events and astrological meaning that lay at the foundation of many of our spiritual beliefs.

The programme includes a shared meal (bring something to share) and, weather permitting, viewing the sunset over the Summer Solstice Heel stone.

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