Stardate 2019
51 Ahiaruhe Rd, Carterton, Wairarapa
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Stardate is a three day convention for people interested in astronomy and viewing the night sky. It caters for beginners through to experienced astronomers with a range of talks, workshops and observing sessions. A large variety of telescopes will be available to explore the wonders of the Universe. Stardate also includes geology, a field trip and live music. It is the place to meet other people and share ideas.
Stardate 2019 Program
Friday February 1st
4:00 pm Registration opens
Shop & Registrations throughout Stardate: Kay Leather
5:30 pm Barbecue with George Moutzouris
Friday Evening Chair: Geoff Palmer
7:00 pm Official Opening
7:10 pm Wonders of our Summer Night Sky - Presentation by Richard Hall
Using images from space telescopes we explore nebulae, star clusters, and weird and wonderful celestial objects in our summer evening night sky. This will include the largest emission nebula within a million light-years.
8:00 pm Tea/coffee
8:20pm Synergies in space – Mission to Mars Presentation by Haritina Mogosanu
In September 2018 we went to Oxford Area School in a one-week immersive Mars experience. This is a presentation about the project that we would like to offer to schools around New Zealand.
9.30 pm Tour of the Night Sky followed by Telescope Viewing with Ian Cooper
11:00pm Late Night Movie
Saturday 2nd February Morning
10:30 am Visit to Gladstone Vineyard with Geoff Palmer
Saturday Afternoon Chair Bernadette Whaanga
2:00 pm Getting Started in Astrophotography. Workshop with Ian Cooper and Andy Williams
A look at what it takes when starting out, and just how quickly you can produce astro-images that you can be proud of!
3:00pm Tea/Coffee
3:20 pm The Astronomical Unit Presentation by Sam Leske
All about the ‘yardstick’ for measuring and scaling the Solar System.
4:00 pm When will it be clear? Presentation by Ian Cooper
A guide to using the internet to work out if it will be a fine night for observing, and if not, when?
5:00 pm Dinner/Barbecue
Saturday Evening Chair Ian Cooper
7.00 pm Mysteries of the Pyramids Presentation by Kay Leather
Looking backward in time, and taking precession into account, we unravel the mysteries of the sphinx, the great pyramids of Giza, and the Aztec computer.
7.50 pm Tea/coffee
8:10pm Solar Storm Presentation by Richard Hall
Once thought to be “perfect” and unchanging, we now know that the Sun slowly fluctuates in brightness shifting and changing the climate on Earth. In this presentation we look at solar activity and the ways in which it is responsible for the rise and fall of civilizations.
9:00 pm Voyager
Take a journey through space and time to live music within the circle of stones at Stonehenge Aotearoa. A musical tone poem by Keith Austin
10:00 pm Tour of the Night Sky followed by Telescope Viewing with Ian Cooper
11:00pm Late Night Movie
Sunday February 3rd Morning
10:30am Buy and Sell Market with Kay Leather & Bernadette Whaanga
11:00am Ancient Tales - Tour of Stonehenge Aotearoa with Richard Hall
Stardate 2019 Fees
Registration Fee: (all or part of Stardate 2019)
Adults $30
Young persons (5 to 15 years) $5
Children (under 5): free
Camping Fee for weekend $10 per tent or caravan
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