South Auckland Poets Collective
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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Join Ramon Narayan, Grace Taylor, and Sharon Smith at this HeritageTalk which discusses the work of the South Auckland Poets' Collective.
The South Auckland Poets' Collective (SAPC) uses poetry to facilitate personal and social change. SAPC co-founders Ramon Narayan and Grace Taylor join curator Sharon Smith to talk about the new exhibition, South Auckland Poets’ Collective: The first 10 years.
Opening 23 February 2019 at Māngere Arts Centre - Ngā Tohu o Uenuku, the exhibition is a collaborative project between SAPC, Auckland Libraries and Action Education. Ramon Narayan is the Manager of Action Education and Grace Taylor is a poet, theatre maker and teaching artist.
Both are founding members of SAPC. Sharon Smith, Senior Librarian Archives and Manuscripts, works in Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections and is actively involved in presenting heritage collections back to the community by exhibiting work in the area from which it was born.
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