Cnr Talbot & Hislop Sts, Geraldine, South Canterbury
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AOTNZ tour.
I’m dreaming hours down to minutes…”
In 1913 Annie enters the remote mountains of Kahurangi National Park to live a hidden life with her lover Henry Chaffey and stays there for 40 years. 40 years in exile, swallowed by the silence, enslaved by the fire.
This beautiful, touching true story is about Annie Chaffey’s love, loneliness, loss and laughter.
New Zealand musician Mark Manson has collaborated with Martine to provide a unique recorded soundscape for the production.
Nominated for Best Actress, Best Solo Performance, Best Script and winner of best Music/Sound at the Nelson Fringe Festival “…writer, director and performer, Martine Baanvinger of DramaLab is utterly compelling, humorous and breathtakingly honest as Annie.
Not only is this an interesting New Zealand story but it is told by an expert in an incredibly imaginative and touching way.”- Lisa Allen, Nelson Fringe Festival review.
Book: Louk Clothing, Talbot Street, Geraldine (No Eftpos).
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