Regional Maori Business Meetings
85379 State Highway 2, Mount Bruce, Masterton, Wairarapa
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"Ka rarapa ngā kanohi, ko Wairarapa"
Tangi ana te ngākau mo ngā matenga e maha o Wairarapa i tēnei wā pouri. Auē te mamae. Oki atu rā.
He mihi manahau nā te ngākau iti ki te hunga nā rātou te kaupapa nei i whakarite! Nõ mātou o Wairarapa nui tonu te maringa nui i tēnei āheinga. E hīkaka marika ana kia tūtakitaki tātou, wānanga ai, i roto i ngā kaupapa o te Āo pākihi.
On behalf of the Regional Māori Business Network, you are invited to an inspiring free event that will contribute to powering up your business.
Are you all about leaving a legacy to your whānau with your current business? Interested in expanding your networks and gaining valuable insights to enhance your business? Register today to attend this one day seminar.
Connect with 50+ other māori business owners, in the world of enterprise, and leave informed, encouraged and economically empowered. You will have the opportunity to sit down with relevant Government funding agency representatives to discuss directly and specifically how they can support you.
Take advantage of this invitation and reap the business benefits. It could be just the boost your business, whānau and Iwi need.
Cost: Kore! Bring yourself and the whānau, a friend, or a work colleague, or even a rep or two if you cannot make it yourself.
Morning Tea & Lunch provided.
Places are limited, so registration is vital and will ensure you are not disappointed.
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