Make a Flax Basket - Kono
90 Wairere Road, Manurewa, Auckland
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Make a Kono basket - Sustainable flax square basket.
The kono basket is one of the first items you make prior to learning to weave a kete/flax kit. The base skills learnt, will allow you to make a variety of different sized baskets and bowls and move towards learning how to make a kete.
All equipment provided, and light refreshments.
The following will be covered;
- Tikanga (Custom) of mahi raranga/weaving
- How to identify the correct type of flax to harvest from
- How to harvest flax sustainably
- Prepare harakeke/flax for weaving
- Make a four corner kono basket
Complete your very first kono!!!
The base skills you learn will enable you to start building a foundation to aim towards creating more complex items in the future if you so wish - kete timata, kete whiri (plait kete), whariki (mats), pieke (backpack), kete whakairo (patterned kete), flat bottom kete, etc.
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