Love Your City: Students Experiment With Urban Camouflage
30C Laings Road , Lower Hutt, Wellington Region
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Love Your City: Lower Hutt City
Euan Robertson of Massey University offers a summer course on Urban Camouflage, he will present on previous Love Your City projects designed and implemented by the students. Urban Camouflage is a studio paper students will establish a critical position through a theme based experimental project exploring the intersection between diverse design practices.
You will explore ideas to transform ‘dead’ or unused spaces, be they spaces between buildings, walls, carparks, shared spaces or inner-city parks by hiding features, fixtures or people thereby drawing out aspects or not considered before.
To be in love with your city has many payoffs for the economic, social, environmental and well being of individuals, communities and local Government. How we connect positively with our city spaces, emotionally and physically, really matters. The resultant “love affair” has a crucial influence on how we interact and engage with spaces and people and therefore feel about ourselves. This relationship is a powerful motivator in developing a “toolkit” for city-making.
Conversely to blend, to merge into the space(s) offers advantages, people may choose to linger, to observe others without being noticed. The desire for visibility or anonymity, be it people, objects or buildings affects how they interact together. Limited seats.
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