“Crime on the Streets”with Kirsten McDougall and more
62 Bell Street, Featherston, Wairarapa
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Hear Ngaio Marsh Best First Book winner, Jennifer Lane, Ngaio Marsh finalist Kirsten McDougall, and the latest winner of the Bloody Scotland McIlvanney Prize, Liam McIlvanney, read from their work and talk about the settings for their novels: Coongahoola, Masterton and Glasgow, chaired by Mary McCallum.
This is an event involved in the Featherston Booktown Festival on Friday 10th, Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th May celebrating everything to do with books, writers and reading. The three-day programme includes writing workshops; poetry readings; talks by leading authors and illustrators; and a book fair including stalls with rare and second-hand books. There are also events specifically for children.
Take a look at our website for the full programme of events.
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