Japanese Film Night - Laputa: Castle In the Sky
Level 18, 100 Willis Street, Wellington
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Come along to our free Japanese Film night!
This month's film is "Laputa: Castle in the Sky"!
A world where a young boy's dreams soar as high as the mythical floating island known as Laputa. Pazu's dreams are about to be realized when Sheeta, a young girl and government escapee, literally floats down from the skies, saved only by a mysterious, glowing pendant.
Now, pursued by pirates and Secret Service agents alike, Sheeta and Pazu seek the fabled island to fulfill Pazu's dreamquest and learn the secrets of Sheeta's clouded heritage.
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
Released: 1986
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Rating: PG
Genre: Anime, Fantasy
Runtime: 124 Minutes
Free admission is based on a first-come, first-served basis, with a full theatre capacity of 70 people.
A short Japan video topics DVD will be shown from 5:45pm before the start of the feature film at 6pm.
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