Japanese Film Night - Kurara: Hokusai's Daughter
Level 18, 100 Willis Street, Wellington
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Come along to our free Japanese Film night!
This month's film is "Kurara: The Dazzling Life of Hokusai's Daughter"!
The act of painting was always "kurara" to O-Ei, the daughter of the Edo period master painter Katsushika Hokusai. Since her childhood, she was captivated by painting. O-Ei marries a town painter, but she soon chooses art over marriage and divorces him. Once she returns to the family home, she begins assisting her father.
O-Ei is by his side as he completes his iconic "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji" series. When Hokusai grew too old to wield his brush freely, O-Ei becomes his "brush" and paints on his behalf. It's during this time that she starts to grow a strong fascination with colours as she finally develops her own painting style.
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
Released: 2017
Director: Takao Kato
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, History
Runtime: 73 Minutes
Free admission is based on a first-come, first-served basis, with a full theatre capacity of 60 people.
A short Japan video topics DVD will be shown from 5:15pm before the start of the feature film at 5:30pm.
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