Japanese Film Night - Bakuman
Level 18, 100 Willis Street, Wellington
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Come along to our free Japanese Film night!
This month's film is "Bakuman"!
Drawing manga can be the death of you. Moritaka Mashiro is well aware of this, having witnessed his manga artist uncle work himself to death. He is determined to avoid the path his uncle walked, despite being a gifted illustrator, and spends his days drifting in mediocrity instead.
One day, class genius and aspiring manga writer Akito asks Moritaka if he wants team up as manga artists.
The pair work tirelessly day and night to realise their dream of creating a manga series for Shonen Jump Weekly—a considerable milestone for every manga artist. With no shortage of up-and-coming rivals, will they ever realise their dream?!
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
Released: 2016
Director: Hitoshi Ohne
Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 120 Minutes
Free admission is based on a first-come, first-served basis, with a full theatre capacity of 60 people.
A short Japan video topics DVD will be shown from 5:15pm before the start of the feature film at 5:30pm.
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