Great EV Road Trip 2019
Whangarei Town Basin, Whangārei
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Something to do on ANZAC Day afternoon.
The #LeadingTheCharge Great EV Road Trip 2019 is in its 5th year.
A convoy of electric cars travel around the country holding roadshow type events at each stop. 41 events, 31 days, 5200km+, this year the convoy is including the West Coast of the South Island, which is one of the last charging deserts in the country. Events include a chance for locals to experience driving an EV and/or information displays and talks.
There is a lot of misinformation floating around about EV, so bring your questions and our experienced EV Owners will explain why they find electric a better alternative to fossil fuelled vehicles.
Venue change: We will now be on the Canopy Bridge.
Find us on the Canopy Bridge. We'll be set up by 3pm with the main convoy coming in from Dargaville and joining us when they get here, hopefully about 3pm.
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