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Ticket Information:

  • Single: $150.00 each
  • 2 people: $250.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply



All Ages

Listed by:

Yee Ley Lau

Healing generations of unhealthy patterns.

Family Constellation is a method of looking at an issue in your life and seeing what lays behind it. Is it possible that it didn't start with you? Could you be carrying something for someone in your family or your ancestors?

We look to see if there is an entanglement with an event, a trauma, misfortune or a deed that was not addressed by our ancestors, as this energy can continue to appear within the family system/soul.

Anxiety, illness, guilt, shame, depression, anger, suicidal thoughts, addiction, these are just some of the things that can be handed down and have a huge impact on our lives. Without us knowing, we unconsciously carry the energy necessary to support the family soul.

Family Constellation workshops, allow you sit on the outside of your own system, and see what is happening within from a different view, as other members of the workshop represent your family or health issues.

This is not acting, nor is it psycho drama, there are no scripts, we are tapping into the unseen energy system that we all have around us, and concentrating this energy within a specific area we call the knowing Field, with the intention of allowing a safe and welcoming space for insight and possibly resolution to occur.

Representatives experience feelings and sensations in their bodies and around them, while being fully aware that these do not belong to them, but are in fact part of the essence of the ancestor or thing they are representing.

Are you ready to have a look and shift what's not working for you? The choice is yours, are you ready to create the life you truly desire?

About the facilitators:
Csilla and Rocco are founders of the Csilla & Rocco Conscious Journey based in Auckland. They provide an array of individual sessions, training classes around the world that give you access to practical tools to help you consciously create your life.

Csilla & Rocco Conscious Journey -

If you have any questions and for more details and registration please contact the organiser Yee Ley
​+64(0)22 366 2348.