Mediumship for Beginners
55 Meadowood Drive, Unsworth Heights, Rosedale, Auckland
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This workshop will give you insight, clarity and focus but most of all an understanding of who you truly are and not who you should be.
You will learn to connect to your guides and deliver and receive accurate readings
This is what her clients say:
"Nothing airy-fairy about this woman, she helped me with my business, she will help you"
"After 3 marriages I realised it was me that was the problem, I was quick to blame, after this program, I learnt so much about myself and the issues I carried from the past I managed to just draw a line and get on with it" - JP
"As a competitive rower, I would have a block when it came to my success. I felt I was not worthy of this success, this workshop made me self aware and I had a real lightbulb moment, I won at my last event!" - AH
Please note: we will never identify our clients. Brigid works nationally and internationally with clients and it is 100% confidential.
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