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Dr Arini Loader: Māori Historical Methodologies
Victoria University, Kelburn Parade, Gate 3, Wellington
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For the final talk in this lunchtime talk series, Dr Arini Loader (Ngāti Raukawa) introduces areas of her research which overlap with the historical period of Te Kooti Ārikirangi Te Turuki (1832–1893), whose manuscript is currently on display at Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi.
Loader introduces her current project with fellow researcher Mike Ross, Ngā Waiata a ngā Herehere, which examines a manuscript comprising some 230 waiata written by prisoners from the battle of Rangiriri in the New Zealand Wars. Her talk provides an overview of the specifically Māori historical methods involved in this research, including her approach to researching whakapapa, moteatea and manuscripts.
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