Dive Crew Night
9 Marina View, Porirua - Mana, Wellington Region
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Visit NZ Sea Adventures the first Wednesday of the month for a free and informal social gathering. There’s a BYO Barbeque, all you need to bring is your favourite BBQ food and Relax with a drink if you wish. There’s tea and coffee here plus plenty of other enthusiastic divers.
Guest Speakers! Yes that’s right, each month we have a guest speaker talking on something related to either diving or the aquatic world. This month we have Susan Collier talking about her experiences with underwater photography.
We also present complimentary course certificates to anybody who’s completed a course. Plus, find out about exciting dive trips coming up and maybe your next dive course too.
Remember to RSVP if you are due a course certificate: nzsa@scubadiving.co.nz
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