Coming Home: The Returned Soldier Experience After the War
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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The Returned Soldier experience after the war with Dr Stephen Clarke.
During the First World War, 18,000 New Zealanders died and their names are immortalised on local war memorials that are the focal point of remembrance on Anzac Day. But what do we know about those 80,000, often forgotten New Zealanders who survived the war?
Join Dr Stephen Clarke as he discusses the Great Silence about the experience of coming home from the Great War.
Bio: Dr Stephen Clarke is a professional historian interested in the cultural and social impact of war on Aotearoa New Zealand. He is the author of After the War: The RSA in New Zealand and RSA in the City: A short history of the Auckland RSA.
Booking not essential, however to be sure of your place please phone Research Central 09 890 2412 or book online:
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