Building Your Family Tree With Insights From DNA Tests
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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Building your family tree with insights from DNA tests - what are the latest tools? With Brad Argent, international spokesperson for AncestryDNA.
Join us from 5pm for a cuppa.
Join Ancestry's international spokesperson, Brad Argent, and hear what the latest tools are for building your family tree with insights from DNA tests.
Learn how to:
- Find relatives
- Complete more of your family tree
- Where, and from which communities, do your ancestors come? ·
- What migratory journeys did they take? ·
- Find long-lost relatives
- Relationships to important historical figures
- Insights from ethnicity perspectives
About Brad Argent
Brad Argent is a family historian and international spokesperson for Ancestry, as well as an expert on the AncestryDNA product. The global leader in family history and consumer genomics, Ancestry harnesses the information found in family trees, historical records, and DNA to help people gain a new level of understanding about their lives.
Ancestry has more than three million paying subscribers across its core Ancestry websites with an extensive collection of over 20 billion records and has more than 15 million people in the AncestryDNA network. Since 1996, users have created over 100 million family trees and 11 billion ancestor profiles on the Ancestry flagship site and its affiliated international websites.
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