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Autumn Equinox may be the upcoming event you’re looking for
Autumn Equinox

Ticket Information

  • Adult: $22.50 each ($20.00 + $2.50 fees)
  • Seniors: $16.00 each ($15.00 + $1.00 fees)
  • Young persons 5-15 years: $5.00 each
  • Eventfinda tickets no longer on sale


  • Thu 21 Mar 2019, 7:00pm–9:00pm


All Ages

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In the ancient world, the Autumn Equinox was one of the most important days in the year. It marked a time of change in the seasons and the tasks of the people. Weather permitting our program begins with observing the Sunset on the Equinox Heel Stone at Stonehenge Aotearoa. This occurs only on the day of the equinox, hence the reason for the date of this program. After sunset there will be a shared meal bring something to share) and a special presentation by Richard Hall: ‘Legends of the Equinox’.

The Phoenix Astronomical Society members have free entry.

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